Activating Resilience In Testing Times
Leadership + Management
Workplace conversations
Bite size
Longer programme
Face to face
Whether through overwork, commitment juggling or isolation, we may have forgotten about our own personal resilience.
Reconnect with your skills for strengthening resilience and gain practical guidance on how to build individual and team resilience.
These are tough times in which many people are scared of losing their jobs, facing the uncertainties of restructures, against a backdrop of continuing budget cuts.
Resilience is all about getting yourself ready to meet the world in a resourceful state, so that you are mentally and emotionally equipped to deal with whatever comes your way.
Our Resilience Pocketbook, packed with useful tips and ideas.
From attending this programme, you will learn:
- The four dimensions of resilience: social, mental, physical and emotional
- How to promote feelings of hope, capability, and success rather than fear, difficulty, and failure
- Strategies that work well for you and your teams, that you can take away and implement immediately
- How to bounce back quickly from difficulties or disasters
- Replace a viral air of negativity with an atmosphere of support, collaboration and progress on projects that matter
Activating Resilience is available either as:
- A 90-minute webinar for an intense introduction
- A 1-day workshop for a deeper dive