TranSFormational Change
Progress is possible
Would you like your people to do a better job, contribute more and work better together? If you want to accomplish more with less resource, effort and stress, try our solution-focused approach.
You’ll be introduced to precision tools and proven ideas that will switch negative mindsets of unhelpful complaints and whinges into action and improvement. You’ll discover how to engage people in your organisation to find better ways to do whatever needs doing.
Our world-renowned team of coaches, facilitators and consultants brings a fresh perspective to help you address your problems and challenges.
Working in partnership with you, we develop strong relationships which ensure positive impact and sustainable results.

Our Services

We offer tremendous strength and experience in learning design and training delivery to help weave solutions-focused principles into your corporate culture.

Our coaching draws out people’s know-how and leads to results. Doing more of what works is often more effective than analysing problems and causes.

If you find yourself struggling to clarify or achieve your organisation’s goals, our consultancy may help you to make major shifts in the right direction.

If the conversation is a fundamental unit of change, what we choose to say makes a significant difference to the results we can expect.
Our Clients

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As solution-focused coaches we know that an appreciation of past successes can...
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Boosting Your Connections
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A few very simple questions
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